3DVisA Resources
3DVisA Index of 3D Projects: Archaeology
Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens, Greece
In this early, interactive reconstruction of the Parthenon, developed as part of the University of Oxford LACE Multimedia Programme, the user was invited
to 'walk-through' and 'fly-over’ the temple: move up and down the stairs, from one room to another, look at the structure and its surroundings
from various view points. Also reconstructed was the colossal statue of Athena inside the temple, made of ivory and gold.
The solid model was developed by Redfern Animation on a PC with 64MB RAM; the model was transfered on to a CD-ROM (at that time considered a novel medium) offering a display of 320x240 pixels. The animation used 25 frames/sec.
Project dates: 1994 (?)
Resource status: Unknown.
Contributors: John Redfern, Redfern Animation, Argyll, Scotland and the LACE Multimedia Programme, University of Oxford, UK.
Redfern Animation, a multimedia company specialising in 3D modelling and animation for museum displays and producers of Animated LabelsTM.
LACE (Local Applied Customer Environment for integrated communications) was a European Union telecommunications project which aimed to implement a broadband local area network using ATM switching. Partners included British Telecom, IBM (Zurich), Telenorma-Bosh, Nokia and the University of Oxford Beazley Archive. To test the capabilities of the technology, a multimedia guide to the Archive cast collection was developed. The application employed elements stored on different systems. LACE ended in March 1995.
Sources and further details:
Paper presented by J. Redfern at the EVA'94 Conference, Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts Conference, National Gallery, London, 29 July 1994.
Record compiled by Anna Bentkowska-Kafel. Last updated: 11 September 2006.
3DVisA gratefully acknowledges the help of ...... with preparation of this record.
© J. Redfern, LACE Project and 3DVisA, 2006.
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