3DVISA Network Aims and Objectives
The overriding aim of the 3DVisA Network is to enhance and extend 3D visualisation-related knowledge,
understanding and opportunities within the UK academic community, with particular attention to the Arts and Humanities domains.
3DVISA is a community-led initiative that aims to:
- Assist in raising the quality and status of 3D visualisation research and education within the JISC community and society;
- Share best and innovative practice in the planning, creation, dissemination and use of 3D visualisations;
- Coordinate debate of key issues;
- Encourage and enable collaboration and sharing of human and other resources;
- Enable cross-domain debate and resource sharing;
- Share information and advice about funding opportunities and commercial exploitation of resources;
- Work with external 3D visualisation-related entities to establish and extend support and dissemination activities.
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