3DVisA Resources
3DVisA Index of 3D Projects: Architectural and Urban Studies
Temple Site at Phimai, Thailand
Phimai is an important Khmer monument in Thailand. In 2001 it was inscribed on the
UNESCO World Heritage list,
See the UNESCO page for the history of Phimai.
Digital reconstruction of the site was undertaken by Richard M. Levy of the University of Calgary in 1999. The aim of the project was initially the promotion of the site to tourism, but it soon became apparent that the model can serve 'as a vehicle for communicating ideas about the site's reconstruction'.
The project used 3D Studio VIZ, Premier and Photoshop software on a Windows NT Workstation.
See Michael Greenhalgh's review for a description of digital Phimai.
Project dates: 1999-2000?
Resource status: QT movies of the computer model and still images are available on the project's website
Contributors: Richard M. Levy, Associate Professor of Planning and Urban Design, and Director of Computing in the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary, Canada.
Sources and further details: Temple Site at Phimai;
Greenhalgh, M. (2006), 3D Resources: Phimai. Thailand. A review of the project's website, 3DVisA Bulletin, Issue 1, September.
Record compiled by ABK. Last updated: 11 September 2006.
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