JISC 3D Visualisation in the Arts Network
3DVisA Bulletin, Issue 2, March 2007
ISSN 1751-8962 (Print) ISSN 1751-8970 (Online)
Who's Who in this Issue
Luciana Bordoni has a degree in Mathematics from La Sapienza University of Rome. Her specialist area is in Control System and Automatic Calculus Engineering.
She has been working since 1980 for the Italian National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Environment (ENEA) in the field of data processing, databases, information handling.
Her present research activities are in the area of artificial intelligence and cultural heritage.
Angela Geary is Director of the SCIRIA Research Unit at University of the Arts London. Her research involves interdisciplinary collaboration spanning the arts, science and
technology. Her current interests include 3D digitisation and visualisation techniques, analysis and visualisation of structural stress in stone sculpture and multi-sensory computer interaction.
Since the mid 1990s, she has pioneered the development of accessible 3D computer visualisation techniques for the documentation and interpretation of cultural heritage collections.
In 2005, she led the VEMDisTM team to win a finalist's prize in the National Research Councils UK Business Plan Awards for the development of
a novel augmented reality display device for museums. She is a consultant and advisor, providing specialist 3D imaging services, to several national museums and cultural heritage agencies including the Museum of London, the National Trust and Historic Royal Palaces.
Robert Laycock is a Senior Research Associate in Computer Graphics at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. Motivated by the laborious process traditionally employed in
the creation of urban models, he investigated methods to rapidly generate three-dimensional environments. In particular developing novel algorithms for the automatic generation of virtual
urban environments from GIS data and enhancing the fidelity of these environments via the integration of ground level images. Working within the Urban Modelling Group at UEA, Laycock
investigated new ways in which offline rendered movies may be exploited. This entailed the research and development of new human computer interaction techniques including the incorporation of haptic feedback devices for both navigation and exploration of virtual worlds.
Stephen Laycock is a lecturer of Computer Science at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. Laycock primarily teaches interactive computer graphics, virtual environments
and computer programming. His research focuses on geometric algorithms and techniques to enhance the use of haptic (force) feedback devices in a three-dimensional computer-generated environment.
Recent work includes the simulation of deformable tools which may be manipulated using a haptic feedback device. This work has important applications in virtual training where a user can perfect
a skill in a safe and realistic environment.
Sandro Rubino read Conservation of the Cultural Assets at the School of Humanities, Suor Orsola Benincasa, at the University of Naples. In 1999 he worked with
archaeologists at the University of Caen, France, excavating a Roman site in the city of Vieux (Caen). His research is concerned with the applications of computer technology in archaeological
research, with special interest in the GIS (Geographical Information System) and GPS (Global Positioning System) systems.
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