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About VizNET

VizNET is a collaboration of visualisation centers in the UK, funded by JISC over three academic years to establish a Visualisation Support Network spanning the UK Academic Research Community. These centres are based at Loughborough University and King's College London.

The objectives of VizNET are to:

  • consolidate the strengths of major visualisation centres and groups across the UK;
  • share knowledge;
  • communicate best practice between application domains;
  • provide training and support to researchers in visualisation;
  • provide access to major visualisation resources at a National and Regional level.

The Loughborough University centre, representing a consortium of Loughborough University (East Midlands e-Science Centre of Excellence EMeSC), Cardiff University (Welsh e-Science Centre WeSC ), the University of Leeds (White Rose Grid e-Science Centre of Excellence ), the University of Manchester (Manchester Visualisation Centre MVC) and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (CCLRC e-Science Centre), will provide a focal point for sharing knowledge and best practice between application domains and provide training in advanced visualisation techniques.

The centre at King's College London (King's Visualisation Lab) will provide a 3D Visualisation in the Arts Network, with the same broad aims as the Loughborough centre, but focusing on the needs of researchers in Arts and Humanities. The centres will work closely together to ensure maximum synergy and to avoid duplication of effort.