Needs of the 3D Visualisation Community
by Anna Bentkowska-Kafel
This report by the JISC 3D Visualisation in the Arts Network (3DVisA) is concerned with views of individuals and institutions
that shape the use and development of computer-based 3D visualisation in the Arts and Humanities in UK Higher Education. Reported here are the wide-ranging needs of this
community in the context of today's interdisciplinary and international research culture.
If you feel that this report does not represent your needs adequately, or to send comments and corrections please contact the author.
Download the Report in Word or PDF. Click on the links below to open individual chapters (Word docs).
1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction 3
1.2. Background 5
1.3. Approach 10
1.4. Acknowledgements 14
2. 3D Visualisation Community
2.1. Naming the 3D Visualisation Community 16
2.2. Community Building Tools 26
3. Needs of the 3D Visualisation Community
3.1. Climate, Culture and Policies 31
3.2. Know-How
3.2.1. Scholarship 37
3.2.2. Technology 42
3.3. Communication, Access and Exchange 46
3.4. Sustainable Dissemination 51
3.5. Support
3.5.1. Guidance 56
3.5.2. Funding 62
3.5.3. Special Needs 70
4. Summary Conclusions, Key Needs and Recommendations 71
5. Acronyms 77
6. Appendix 3DVisA Survey: Needs of the 3D Visualisation Community
(an active survey available on the JISC VISA-3D List page).
© 3DVisA and Anna Bentkowska-Kafel, 2007.