Time-enabled Mapping of Projects & Networks
A pilot project has been developed to demonstrate a time-enabled map. The pilot was developed by the
Archaeological Computing Laboratory at the University of Sydney
in collaboration with, and from a proposal by, Julie Tolmie.
Initially this pilot project focussed on the UK visualisation community,
however this community sample proved to be too ad hoc and inconsistent as a data set for the purpose of tool development.
Subsequent research by Julie Tolmie at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London,
and TimeMap/Heurist at the Archaeological Computing Laboratory, University of Sydney,
focussed instead on mapping EU FP6 funded projects and networks using a temporal sample across numerous funding calls.
Results have been obtained from this work and funding has been sought for further development in a time-enabled mapping and dissemination tool demonstration project.
While unrelated to the original proposal to map the UK visualisation community, it is anticipated that the development of this tool will have wide application
in research in the Arts and Humanities.